Adoption Initiative
Adopt A Person, family or Church
On behalf of our Church members and fellow inhabitants on the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama, who were tremendously affected by this recent hurricane, we seek the assistance to local residents and the international community during this time of need.
Below you will find the circumstances of communities, parishes and individual needing your help. We invite you to review this list and pledge to help, whomever you choose, as best you can by, providing assistance for the rebuilding of homes, churches, families and lives.
Upon making your decision, you may contact our Diocese, or The Northern Bahamas Archdeaconry (provided below) to confirm how you wish to proceed. We thank you for your help.
Anglican Diocese Office – (242) 322-3015
Abaco Office – (242) 123-4567
Ascension Freeport Office- (242) 373-6245
Christ The King Freeport Office- (242) 352-5255